Larall Effluent System
Pricing: POA

Each Larall system has sprinklers in each paddock within the effluent block (they typically stay in the paddock). Depending on the Larall system there is a sprinkler that looks after either .6 or 1 ha. For example, in a 3 ha paddock there would be 5 sprinklers for a Larall One and 3 for a Larall Two system.
• Low application rates (Larall One, 3.5mm, Larall Two, 5mm)
• Large volumes pumped per hour (starts at 36m³)
• Low labour content (less than 3 hours a fortnight)
• Designed to suit volume and labour requirements
• Sprinklers typically stay in each paddock
• Easy to move
• Eliminates ponding
• Suits all terrain and paddock shapes
As a low rate system it deserves consideration.
The sprinklers are left in the paddocks. There can be damage to the sprinklers by running them over, until you are used to them being there. They can however be disconnected and shifted to fencelines.
The capital cost can be higher than other options.
Things to consider
Because of the ability to design the system on volumes pumped and low labour, there are systems that are pumping over 120m³ an hour and as little as 5 hours labour a month. The system can be installed onto steep and rolling land.
PTO pumps are a good option because of the volume pumped per hour and the cost can be a lot less than setting up with an electric option.

We are here to help.
The Team at Effluent & Irrigation Design understands the concerns relating to how much work managing a dairy farm and its systems can be.
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