PTO 3 Point Linkage
Pricing: POA
The PTO pump comes in many sizes. They are related to volume pumping so if you want to move a lot of liquid they are the ideal pump.
They come with both open and closed impellors for pumping effluent and screened effluent.
PTO can be a good option if the effluent system is designed for volume pumping.
In some cases, the capital cost and the running cost of a PTO system can be less than an electric option.
• Low capital outlay
• High volumes pumped per hour
• Easy to maintain
• If used to run a traveling irrigator, it can be costly to run.
• Can not run dry. This will damage the mechanical seal.
Things to Consider
When deciding on the system type, you choose a high volume system, and then the PTO pump is a good option. The pump can be mounted on a trailer or a three point linkage. The trailer is a good option if you are using the pump on multiple locations.
If the pump has a mechanical seal then get an estimate on what it would cost to have the pump repaired. It is best to know these costs before something happens.
Check the warranty conditions.

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