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Submersible Pumps

Pricing From: $2k - $10k

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The submersible pump is a good option for both pressure and transfer.

It would be more widely used in transfer.

The pumps come in different sizes but are usually sized for the job.

They are very efficient and require low horse power to achieve high volumes.


• Low power requirements for high volume.

• Transfer pumps come with up to 100mm outlets

• Choppers are optional

• Easy to get in and out of sumps

• Made from a harder steel that the normal cast iron pumps


• You need to fit thermal overloading into the electrical control box. This protects the motor from moisture.

• Need to mount on a pontoon if pumping from a pond

Things to Consider

The submersible pump has been used for many years and is now priced competitively.


They are great for transferring solids and high viscosity liquids.


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